Tuesday, October 24, 2006


10-24: Where are all the female geeks?

After the online readings we did for class today our guest speaker wasn't quite what I was expecting, but she raised some good points and clarified my thoughts a little. I was intrigued by Carla's recognition of the fact that programming often requires "non-standard" hours, and that it is a field dominated by "nerds who just want to solve problems." The De Palma reading about why women avoid Computer Science seems to me to confirm this. I have always wondered why my wife who is smarter than I am asks me to fix her computer, or figure out how to do something and then show her. Carla's mention of the mindset of a programmer and De Palma's discussion of the "tinkering factor" are a clearer answer to this than I ever thought I'd find. While reading De Palma's article and listening to Carla acknowledge that we are here because we are "nerds" it just clicked. I really do like to tinker. If someone asks me to do something with a computer that I don't know how to do, I have no problem telling them that I'll "figure it out." On the other hand, my wife (and most other girls I've known) is not so fond of tinkering. I think that many of the obstacles faced by women in Computer Science are partially due to a lack of numbers, and I'm not sure that will change without a fairly major paradigm shift in our world of "tinkerers" and "nerds" who just want to solve problems.

ah but then there is the age old question of are you really tinkering or are you just bumbling?

love you, you big bumbler.
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